Practically on the Ring Road in Húnavatnssýsla district in the northwestern region of Iceland is an interesting place called ÞrÃstapar or Triple Hillocks. Although this part of the area is well known for its cone-like hillocks called Vatnsdalshólar (Water-valley-hillocks), most of the small hillocks are on the south side of the road. Hundreds (or some say thousands) of them in a cluster called Vatnsdalshólar scattered over a five square kilometer area. ÞrÃstapar on the other hand, which consists of three adjoining small hillocks, is on the north side of the road. Around them are only two or three other smaller ones. So they stand out when you look to the north when driving the Ring Road.

The last execution was in 1830

But the Triple Hillocks stand out for another reason. On a cold day at the beginning of January in 1830, a double beheading took place at ÞrÃstapar, when Agnes Magnúsdóttir and Friðrik Sigurðsson were executed. They had been sentenced to death for murdering Natan Ketilsson and Pétur Jónsson at the farm Illugastaðir, located on the west side of the Vatnsnes Peninsula. The slaying took place two years before in March 1828 and was quite brutal as both men were knocked through the skull with a hammer, stabbed multiple times, and burned when the farm was put to flames after the atrocity. As the district commissioner at the time of execution was of the opinion that vandalism was far too frequent in his jurisdiction, he decided to make the execution an example and a warning. After the beheading, the two heads were put on a stick-on top of ÞrÃstapar for display, and the corpse buried in the field nearby.
ÞrÃstapar and the magnificent story of Agnes
The story of Agnes, the alleged killer, and Natan, the victim, has captivated and haunted the people of Iceland for years. Their purported love affair, the murders, the social background of the events, the prosecution, the verdict, and the aftermath surrounding the case have sparked considerable intrigue. The events at ÞrÃstapar have led to disputes among writers, locals, and academics. It is no surprise that ÞrÃstapar, along with the Illugastaðir farm, has become emblematic of this tragic tale.
The setting encompasses a large area within the district. Due to the gruesome nature of the crime, the bodies were disposed of near ÞrÃstapar after being beheaded, without any blessing. It wasn’t until June 1934 that the remains of Agnes and Friðrik were finally laid to rest in the cemetery at Tjörn, including the heads, which were discovered in a mysterious manner decades later, after they had disappeared shortly after the execution.
Will the pauper and abundant child Agnes become a historical celebrity?
Agnes Magnúsdóttir was an exceptionally intelligent and articulate woman, yet she faced significant socio-economic challenges from the moment of her birth. Abandoned by her mother at a young age, she grew up in impoverished conditions, reliant on the goodwill of others. Despite these hardships, she possessed the ambition and intellect to aspire to a higher social standing. Ironically, Agnes has emerged as one of the most notable figures from her region in Iceland and is increasingly recognized on an international scale. Interest in her story has surged following the publication of Hannah Kent's debut historical novel, "Burial Rites," in 2013, which chronicles Agnes's life and the events leading to her execution. This heightened attention was further amplified by the announcement of a forthcoming film adaptation featuring Jennifer Lawrence in the role of Agnes. Consequently, travelers traversing the Ring Road in Iceland, or those visiting the seal colony at Illugastaðir or the HvÃtserkur stack on the beach by Vatnsnes, are encouraged to make a stop at ÞrÃstapar to engage with this historically significant narrative.
If you're planning to tour Iceland in a rental car, make sure to read this article about the type of car that would be best for your trip.